An IT Support Specialist provides support for the internal network of a company and provides support to the network s users, specifically those using the company’s computers. This can either be internal help, assisting staff who use the internal network daily, or it could be helping external clients who access the network through the Internet. In some cases IT Specialists may also provide IT support to special clients or partner companies in order to resolve specific IT related issues, for example resolving technical difficulties with new technologies. IT Support specialists therefore, are needed in every IT department, including IT departments that have separate IT departments (for example Microsoft only have one internal IT group, while Cisco has several).
IT support technicians provide IT support by performing a number of tasks, some of which include the following: Troubleshooting, which is the process of identifying hardware or software issues; Testing, which is the procedure of evaluating the problem to determine its severity and then fixing it; Maintenance, which is the care and handling of any problems that were resolved; and Bug fixing, which is the fixing of security vulnerabilities found in a particular product or software. IT support technicians are therefore very necessary, especially for small organizations that do not have specialized personnel on staff. Many smaller organizations rely on third party vendors for their IT support requirements. While some vendors go beyond the scope of regular IT support by employing experienced IT support technicians who are trained and certified, many vendors contract with IT support technicians who have at least a basic level of IT support knowledge.
Another role that an IT specialist can take up is that of a network administrator. In this role, the specialist will be in charge of the entire network infrastructure, including the hardware as well as the software installed on the organization’s computers. He or she will manage the entire IT infrastructure and ensure that everyone is able to connect to the Internet. Some of the roles that an IT administrator may assume include the installation of new hardware, updating the existing hardware and software, installing new software, configuring security measures, and making any other necessary changes.
The Important Role That IT Technicians Play In IT Support
IT specialists often play the role of consultants. In many organizations, there exists a need to have consultants available to handle certain IT concerns, especially when they exceed the existing technical staff. The role of a consultant in such a situation could be to provide IT consultation, guidance, or instruction, or to provide the customer service skills necessary to solve the problems that they have. IT professionals who posses good technical knowledge will often find it easy to become consultants, as there are several positions available within the field. IT support technicians who have good customer service skills will also find it easier to become consultants, as most businesses will prefer to hire individuals who can effectively handle their IT issues rather than hiring a full-time IT specialist.
IT support specialists can also choose to specialize in one or more fields. Certified testers and hackers, for instance, have IT support specialist certifications that make them eligible for higher-level jobs in the field. IT support specialists can also choose to specialize in hardware or software troubleshooting, or they can choose to become consultants or specialists in a particular IT field.
IT support technicians usually have to possess certain skills. IT support technicians need to be creative, versatile, analytical, hardworking, and highly skilled at communication. These are not the only skills, however, and an IT technician does not necessarily have to posses all of these specific skills in order to establish his or her career. IT support technicians can train themselves with on-the-job training programs offered by companies or organizations that are interested in hiring IT support technicians. IT support technicians who have at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science, math, physics, engineering, or computer information systems typically have greater employment opportunities than other IT support technicians.
IT Technicians Certifications and IT Technicians Experience
IT technician training typically lasts between one and three years. A course that covers IT support technology, hardware and software installation, troubleshooting, maintenance of hardware devices, and computer networking is often taken as the foundation of IT technician education requirements. After this course of study, students may take specialized courses that prepare them for specific IT positions. IT support technician education requirements also include a minimum of two years of business experience, which can sometimes be gained through internship or apprentice positions. Some IT technician schools also require students to take specialized classes such as Cisco training, Microsoft training, or database security. The IT support technician certification exam, which is a testing of a candidate’s technical skills and knowledge about IT support, is also sometimes required as a prerequisite for a career path in IT support.
IT specialist certifications are important because they help IT professionals differentiate themselves from regular employees. IT specialist certifications like the Certified Information Technology Specialist (CIS) credential help IT professionals show employers that they have the knowledge and skills needed to handle various duties in the IT field. These IT certifications provide employers with assurance that the IT specialist has the skills necessary to handle their computer network troubles, provide assistance with complex IT issues, and upgrade the company’s information technology system. All these IT specialist certifications are nationally recognized and widely accepted by employers.